Monday, November 28, 2011

J Edgar

The newest biopic stars Leonardo DiCaprio as J. Edgar Hoover, the creator of the FBI and one of the most interesting characters in modern crime history.

The story starts in 1919 and runs through the Nixon Presidency, told in flashbacks. Hoover was an interesting, ambitious guy that really just took charge. How many other guys can serve under 8 Presidents? But yes, it does appear that he did have secret files on a lot of people. Think of him as the TMZ of his day.

DiCaprio did a really good job of portraying Hoover. Armie Hammer plays Hoover's best friend and suspected lover Clyde Tolson. It ran a bit long and a tad slow at times but a worthwhile film. Double bags of popcorn equaling 4!

Twilight - Breaking Dawn Part 1

Yes, I will admit that I have seen all of the movies and read the books. So I figured that I had to go see this one in the theaters like the others.

For what it is, I thought it was ok. The story continues of Bella and Edward as they get married and what happens after. Unless you have been living under a rock, you already know that Bella gets pregnant on the honeymoon which is not all that unusual. What is though is that her half-vampire baby wants out after like 3 weeks. The rest of the movie is your typical Edward vs. BFF Jacob vs the Wolves.

The fight scenes were pretty decent and once you know the story, it was fine. A full 3 bags.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

In Time

I wasn't sure what I was expecting, but bottom line's a good movie. Maybe I think that because I can admit that I like Justin Timberlake as an actor. And that Amanda Seyfried who I normally don't like was ok.

The movie is eerily familiar with what we are seeing in the world today. The Have's vs the Have Not's except with time, not money. Everything is paid in time since after you turn 25, you have to earn time. Timberlake plays a blue collar guy named Will Salas who helps out a rich guy in the wrong part of town. As payment, the guy gives Will all his time. At first, he is cool about it but when his mother times out, he wants revenge on the system. Sound familiar at all. Amanda Seyfriend plays the daughter of the richest guy who controls all the time who at first hates Will but eventually falls and helps him. By the way, Amanda looks very hot in this film!

It's a solid movie worth checking out. 3.5 bags

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Tower Heist

I know that this is a bit late since it has been out about 2 weeks now. Due to a change in my job, I don't have the ability to catch the previews much anymore. I will still review what I see, in case you are thinking of seeing something.

Tower Heist is a comedic, get even story starring Eddie Murphy and Ben Stiller. Though the idea came up years ago from Murphy, the timing couldn't have been better. Alan Alda plays a super rich con man who steals money from people citywide, as well as the staff of the Tower, the building he lives in. Ben Stiller plays the building manager who invested the pension fund with Alda. The fun comes when they try to steal it back.

The movie also stars Casey Affleck, Michael Pena and is just the vehicle for people to remember what made Eddie Murphy a star. Go check it out. I give it 4 bags of popcorn.