Tuesday, July 26, 2011


No, these are not the odds that I will succeed with this blog. This is a well written, solid movie with some fine actors. Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Seth Rogen star as Adam & Kyle, best friends who have to deal with a sudden diagnosis of cancer.

Sidenote: There are several scenes with doctors talking about Adam's diagnosis. I think that these scenes are very realistic regarding the way doctors and many of the medical professionals handle these sensitive issues. Please remember that we are patients, real people that are being told something so mind blowing, don't rush through it like you are telling me my dinner is ready.

Angelica Houston plays Adam's mom and shines in the role. I'm sure that you can see part of your mom in that role. Bottom line, this movie is emotional, funny (though Seth Rogen is exactly how he is in many of his movies) and makes you think.

Once I wiped the tears away, I am able to give this a solid 4.5 stars out of 5!

Monday, July 25, 2011

The Smurfs

To be honest, I wasn't even going to see this movie. I had no real desire to see it but some good friends reminded me that if I am going to review movies, I have to see everything, not just want I want to see. With that in mind, I went to see the Smurfs in 3D.

I was more enjoyable than I expected. First of all, you do not have to have seen the cartoon from back in the day. The screenwriters did a great job of bringing the little blue people to life and explain who they are. If you did watch the cartoons, you will recognize so many little things. Papa Smurf, Smurfette and some of the others are there plus some new ones. The movie revolves around Papa, Smurfette, Hefty, Grouchy, Brainy, Clumsy and their arch enemy Gargamel and his cat Azreal. Gargamel chases the Smurfs out of the village and into a portal bringing them to modern day New York City.

Neil Patrick Harris and Jayma Mays play the couple who helps the Smurfs get back home. Honestly, they were perfect for this movie. When you see Mays, you tend to picture her with cartoon birds singing on her shoulders, so Smurfs work well. Harris is his normal fantastic self. But I think the scene stealer goes to Hank Azaria who is just amazing as Gargamel.

A bunch of cute lines from George Lopez and Katy Perry. Overall, the movie is Smurftastic scoring a 3.75 stars out of 5.

Friday, July 22, 2011

The Change-Up

So you might be thinking "Oh another movie where people change places ala Freaky Friday/Vice Versa". Well the difference here is not just mom and daughter or father and son. It's 2 guys that live totally different lives and have to try to survive.

Ryan Reynolds and Jason Bateman are best friends for years. Dave (Bateman) is married to the very funny and sexy Jaime (played by Leslie Mann). He is a lawyer with 3 kids, up for partner and has things together. Mitch (Reynolds) is a bachelor living the bachelor life. I'm sure you can picture what I mean. After a night of drinking and wishing for the other's life, it happens.

Now this is a seriously funny movie with some seriously hard language. It is R for a reason including a scene in the beginning that is honestly just gross. To see Mitch be Dave with all the Mitchism was freaking hysterical. Dave as Mitch was a bit more heartwarming but just as funny. Lots of unexpected laughs throughout this movie.

Oh, one more thing...the funny and very sexy Olivia Wilde is in this movie. Reason enough to go, no run to the theater! 4 out of 5 stars!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Captain America

Since I was not a huge fan of the comic, I had some reservations about this movie when I heard about it. Then the trailers came out and I was more inclined to see it. Now, I have to say that I am glad I did.

Chris Evans plays Steve Rogers, a small skinny kid from Brooklyn (my home town) who wants to serve his country in WWII. Due to his size, he is rejected time and time again. But he is given a special opportunity thanks to a scientist and some super-soldier potion. A little shock here, a little needle there and BAM! A superhero is born. Or is it?

You know I don't like to give anything away. But I will say that Captain America was not always intended on being the badass he became. I found that interesting and funny. The rest of the cast (Hayley Atwell as Peggy Carter and Tommy Lee Jones as Col. Phillips) did a nice job of rounding out the movie.

Lots of action, some great one liners equals a solid 3.5 out of 5 stars.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Help

All I want to say about the new Emma Stone movie "The Help" is GO SEE THIS MOVIE.

I did not read the book, but the previews made me want to see this. It is a look back at an ugly time in our history but a truthful one. Eugenia "Skeeter" Phelan is a journalist who decides to write about injustice and things that bother her. This leads her into a world of the Help. Abilieen (Voila Davis) and Minny (Octavia Spencer) are the 2 maids that are willing to help and tell the truth about life in Jackson, Mississippi.

The cast brought out the feeling and warmth of the characters. Besides Stone, Davis and Spencer, the rest of the cast did a phenominal job. The heart and soul of this movie is written on the faces of each woman.

I would give this movie a solid 4 out of 5! GO SEE THIS MOVIE!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Super 8

I was pleasantly surprised by this movie. I was going into a bit apprehensive but the cast really won me over. In his debut role, Joel Courtney plays Joe Lamb, the son of the recently deceased Elizabeth and Jack, the deputy Sheriff of Lillian, OH. What happens in this small town you wouldn't want to happen to your town, believe me.

The movie revolves around Joe and his friends Charles, Cary, Martin, Preston who are all making a movie about zombies. In need of a leading lady, Charles asks Alice played by Elle Fanning. While filming at midnight, a train is derailed by a pickup truck purposefully and this is where things get interesting.

As you know, I am not a spolier. So, in interest of that, the suspensefulness and drama comes into play here. You know something is out there doing evil things, but you only catch glimpses of it. There are a few moments where you jump back but the fun thing is...it's scary but not really scary. I would give this a comfortable 3.5 out of 5 stars.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Friends With Benefits

When you first saw the previews for this movie, you probably said "Didn't that come out already?" Many people probably confused it with "No Strings Attached" starring Natalie Portman and Ashton Kutcher. Let's clear this up for everyone...FWB is the clear winner.

This light hearted, very funny movie stars Justin Timberlake as Dylan and Mila Kunis as Jamie. A business meeting brings the 2 together and of course some sparks fly. BUT not the way you would expect. The laughs are plentiful and I missed some of the dialogue that followed the funny lines since the theater was in hysterics.

Woody Harrelson, Jenna Elfman and Patricia Clarkson round out the main cast. Harrelson is especially funny in his role as Tommy, the gay sports editor. Why did I say it that way? There is a reason and I say it with all respect. There are of course some sweet touching moments as this is a rom-com at heart.

Overall, I would give this 4 out of 5 stars. A much funnier movie than Bad Teacher and a better role for Timberlake.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Horrible Bosses 7/5/11

This is a review for the new movie Horrible Bosses starring Jason Bateman, Charlie Day and Jason Sudekis, Colin Farrell, Kevin Spacey and Jennifer Aniston. I give this movie 4 out of 5 stars.

Nick (Jason Bateman), Kurt (Jason Sudekis) and Dale (Charlie Day) are 3 friends for years that all have issues at work. Nick works for Dave Harken (Kevin Spacey). Harken is just an evil, maniacal, ego-driven guy that enjoys making Nick's life hell. Kurt works for a family owned chemical plant who has a great relationship with the owner. When the owner dies, his son Bobby (Colin Farrell) takes over. Bobby's interest lie in taking every dime from the business and spending it on hookers and coke. Charlie is a dental assistant for Dr. Julia Harris (Jennifer Aniston). Julia is a bit of a wild woman and really wants Charlie, though he is engaged.

Life would be so much better for all 3 if the bosses were removed from the picture. Over drinks and talking hypothetically, the idea of taking them out comes up. This is where the funny comes in. Lots of great lines and some twists that you might not have expected. I don't want to say too much since it is not out yet. I will say that Jennifer Aniston completely breaks our of her shell as the good girl. She stole the show with this role and I think you might see her in more dirty roles in the future. All the guys were great though you have seen this Spacey before. Sudekis works better here than in Hall Pass.

WARNING: This is a HARD R movie for language. DO NOT BE FOOLED BY THE PROMOS. If you are slightly prudish about sex, the lines that Julia utters in this movie will make you blush hard. As a guy, I was even shocked by some of the things she said.

Yes, this is another movie review site.

Welcome to Mikey the Movies Man. On this site I hope to give you just real reviews from my point of view. A little background on me.. I love all types of mainstream movies. I am not into the foreign films that you have to read. If I want to read, I will get a book. Comedies and Action films are my favorite. Some of my favorite films are (in no particular order) Stripes, Transformers, Beverly Hills Cop, Death Race, The American President, Zombieland and many others. Favorite Actors/Actresses: Tom Hanks, Will Smith, Anne Hathaway, Ryan Renyolds, Sandra Bullock, John Cusack.

Each post will be for one movie. Feel free to comment!